
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Halle Berry stars in a fear-inducing horror film that makes for a better family drama

Halle Berry stars in a fear-inducing horror film that makes for a better family drama

Never let go is the kind of film you need to know almost nothing about. Directed by Halle Berry, directed by Alexandra Aja from a screenplay by Kevin Coughlin and Ryan Grassby, the horror film is a test of patience. Set mostly in and around a house in the woods, the film successfully isolates us and its characters from the outside world. This forces us to think about its themes and structure, as well as the evil that – real or imagined – is lurking just outside its door. The horror film has a compelling premise that remains suspenseful even in its lulls.

Set in an undetermined future, Never let go follows the mother (Berry) of twin sons Sam (Anthony B. Jenkins) and Nolan (Percy Daggs IV) and her secluded life in the woods. Berry’s character, whose name is never mentioned, is convinced that there is evil outside the home and only her childhood home – and the wood it is made of – can protect her family from it. Whenever one of the characters goes hunting or chopping wood, they are tied to their house with a long rope so that the evil does not touch them.

“Never Let Go” leaves us guessing

We’re often torn between believing that there are sinister entities that can take on human form and transmit their evil through touch, even if only Berry’s character can see them. Because the family is so isolated, the mind tricks and tension are heightened, and things get especially disturbing when Nolan begins to rebel against his mother’s wishes, upsetting the family dynamic. In this respect, the film is less of a horror film and more of a psychological thriller that keeps us guessing.

The family drama is gripping as the mother struggles with her sons growing up and asks questions, and
Never let go
touches on the topics of parental control and protection against a child’s desire for independence.

Sure, there are a number of bloody characters taunting Berry throughout the film, but the story is at its most gripping when it focuses on the tensions affecting family relationships. The characters do enough mental gymnastics to explain certain things, or, in Nolan’s case, poke holes in his mother’s reasoning, to keep us on our toes. The family drama is compelling, as the mother wrestles with and questions her sons’ coming of age, and Never let go touches on the topics of parental control and protection against a child’s desire for independence.

The film also flirts with the idea of ​​what evil really is. Is it something we can see that can take us over, or is it something that already exists within us, preying on our most problematic thoughts and fears? The answers are left up to us, but the filmmaking team does a great job of creating a sense of eeriness that never lets up, and the ending in particular leaves us guessing and questioning everything that came before. The film is divided into three distinct sections. Never let go can be captivating because it reduces its characters to their basic instincts.

“Never Let Go” offers outstanding performances from its young cast

And although there are moments that affect the dynamics of the film, it still manages to entertain

However, Aja’s film isn’t necessarily consistent either. There are lulls in the story as it builds up to some of the narrative’s bigger moments, and certain elements can become a bit repetitive as the film nears its conclusion. As far as horror goes, there are no real shock moments, although there are moments that make you wonder. The story seems caught between wanting to lean into the apocalyptic aspects and teetering on the edge of uncertainty. At times, it’s difficult to fully engage with the talking points, as it can’t fully commit to what it wants us to think about.

But it’s also not so indecisive that it detracts from the viewing experience or makes it less disturbing. Never let go plays well with our emotions, and I wanted to scream at each character at different points depending on what they were doing or wanting to do. At the same time, I wanted them to stick together. This is largely down to the performances of the cast. Berry is, unsurprisingly, excellent, balancing a fierce protective instinct with perseverance and a chilling fear that is reinforced by a rigidity that imbues her performance with a deeply felt anxiety.

Berry’s performance is, unsurprisingly, excellent, managing to balance a fierce protective instinct with resilience and a chilling fear, heightened by a rigidity that imbues her performance with a deep-seated anxiety.

The real scene stealers, however, are Jenkins and Daggs. They both deliver committed performances that reflect the perilous nature of their situation. For young actors, their performances can be hit or miss, but Daggs and Jenkins both shine in their roles. Daggs is the son willing to take risks if it means he can learn about the world beyond the one he’s always lived in, and his interpretation of the character – caring, yet fiery and stubborn – is crucial to the film’s narrative journey.

Jenkins plays Sam with a lot of fear and distrust, but there is also a lot of chaotic behavior subtly worked into his portrayal. The brothers obviously love each other, but Never let go creates enough turmoil between them to add tension to the story. The film may not work on all levels, but it does provide enough intrigue and compelling character dynamics to carry it through to an ending that is sure to leave you talking. As far as films dealing with evil go, Aja’s film is certainly thoroughly fascinating.

Never let go will be released in cinemas on September 20th. The film is 101 minutes long and has an age rating of R due to strong depictions of violence and gruesome images.