
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Mac freeware has the clipboard under control ›

Mac freeware has the clipboard under control ›

The clipboard manager Maccy has received a comprehensive update. After a long development phase with 15 beta versions, the open source application is now available for download in version 2.0. Developer Alex Rodionov offers the new version both on the project website and on the code portal GitHub. The new version is now also available in the Mac App Store after a review.

Completely new foundation

At first glance, Maccy 2.0 has only a few external changes, but the underlying technology has changed fundamentally. According to the developer, the app has been switched from the previous technologies AppKit and NSMenu to SwiftUI and NSPanel. This is said to have fixed a number of problems and laid the foundation for future features. For example, future versions could integrate drag & drop, iCloud synchronization or even an iPhone version.

One of the key innovations is the switch from data storage to SwiftData. The new version requires macOS 14 (Sonoma) or higher and offers backwards compatibility with version 1.x.

Among the new features in version 2.0, a setting that allows Maccy to appear in the last opened position stands out. The search function has also been redesigned: matches are now highlighted in color, similar to Apple’s Safari browser. In addition, memory management has been improved, especially when copying large image files.

Free or at the supporter price

Alex Rodionov claims to have fixed several bugs, including issues with entering Asian characters, and issues where Maccy was not displayed correctly in certain scenarios, such as over password fields or in Spotlight windows.

Macy 20

There are also some changes to the handling of the application compared to the previous version. The window can now be freely resized and the history is scrollable. Some settings have been removed, including the option to set the length of the title or the number of entries displayed. Instead, users should now manually enlarge or reduce the window as needed.

Maccy can be downloaded and used free of charge from the Internet; the application is available in the Mac App Store for the supporter price of 9.99 euros.