
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Tresoldi: “It was always clear to me that I would stay”

Tresoldi: “It was always clear to me that I would stay”

With his good performances at club level and in the U21 national team, Nicolo Tresoldi has aroused the interest of other clubs. But the Hannover 96 striker doesn’t just shine on the football pitch.

Nicolo Tresoldi: “It was always clear to me that I wanted to stay here at 96 this season.”
IMAGO/Jan Huebner

Most of his teammates drive to training in luxury cars in the car park of the Heinz von Heiden Arena. Nicolo Tresoldi, meanwhile, travels to the stadium on the Maschsee by bus and train. He walks the last few meters. “It’s good for the environment,” he says and laughs. The 20-year-old does not yet have a driver’s license, but is working on one. The Hannover 96 striker is not putting a lot of energy into getting his license in his hands as soon as possible. He openly admits that. Other things are much more important to Tresoldi. Of course: above all: playing football and chasing goals. And he does so successfully. Tresoldi scored seven goals for Hannover 96 last season and was in the starting eleven for the “Reds” in 24 matches.

So far this season, he has scored one goal. Last Saturday against 1. FC Kaiserlautern, he could easily have scored his second goal of the season. Ultimately, Hyun-Ju Lee, Max Christiansen and Thaddäus Momuluh scored in the 3-1 win for 96. “I go into the game and always want to score a goal,” says Tresoldi, but: “The most important thing is the team anyway. As long as we win, it’s always nice. He doesn’t put any pressure on himself anyway: “I just go out and have fun. That’s all I want,” says the always good-humored and friendly U21 international, who recently scored twice in international matches against Israel and once in Estonia. In October 2022, he celebrated his debut in the DFB jersey. Shortly before, he had received German citizenship.

Despite Bundesliga inquiries: Tresoldi remained loyal to 96

Nicolo Tresoldi could have played for Argentina or Italy. His mother is Argentinian, his father – also a former football professional – is Italian. “Yes, I could have played for all three countries. But I chose Germany and I am proud to play for Germany.” Tresoldi could also have been successful as a tennis professional. “I was an Italian national player and never lost my love of tennis.” None of his teammates can beat him in paddle tennis. Is there anyone who could pose even a remote threat to him on the tennis court? “To be honest: no,” says Tresoldi and laughs.

The striker’s contract in Hanover runs until 2026. One or two Bundesliga clubs are said to have already inquired. However, an early departure from Hanover is not yet an issue: “It was always clear to me that I wanted to stay here at 96 this season.” And he also wants to play in the 1. Bundesliga: “Preferably with 96.”