
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Sports Day: Dangerous concussions: FIFA launches campaign

Sports Day: Dangerous concussions: FIFA launches campaign

The Sports Day
Dangerous concussions: FIFA launches campaign

The world football association FIFA is launching an awareness campaign on the dangers of concussions. Under the motto “Assume and protect: No game is worth the risk”, together with the World Health Organization (WHO), more intensive attention is to be given to the health risks and symptoms of traumatic brain injuries. that pose a risk to players. It also provides guidelines for a safe return after a suspected or confirmed concussion.

“A concussion is a traumatic brain injury and should always be taken seriously.” “By knowing the signs of concussion, being aware of the risks and treating concussion correctly, you help to ensure that players’ safety is the top priority,” said FIFA President Gianni Infantino. The campaign is aimed at everyone from professional to children’s and grassroots football.

Concussions are a major risk, especially in contact sports such as boxing, ice hockey, rugby and American football. The issue is also becoming more and more of a focus in football, with some experts calling for a ban on headers. In the USA, headers were already banned in youth sports for children under the age of eleven as a precautionary measure.

Proven possible long-term effects of concussions include the earlier onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease as well as chronic traumatic encephalopathy CTEa progressive degenerative disease of the brain.