
topicnews · September 18, 2024

The goals of the top candidates from the Eferding district

The goals of the top candidates from the Eferding district

EFERDING DISTRICT. On Sunday, September 29, Austria will elect a new National Council. For weeks, the parties have been courting voters’ favor and presenting themselves and their election programs. In our tips focus on the National Council election, we offer a little help in making a decision by introducing the regional top candidates of the major parties from the Eferding district in the Hausruckviertel regional constituency.

Ewald Günther Mayr from Pupping from the ÖVP, Eva Caroline Brandner from Hinzenbach from the SPÖ, Rudolf Eder from St. Marienkirchen from the FPÖ and Doris Gabriele Linzner from Alkoven from the Greens were asked for tips on their most important goals in the areas of climate protection, migration, the labor market and education. For all those who are undecided, this is intended to be a little help on where to put their cross on election day and who to support with their vote.

The most important concerns and goals in the area of ​​climate protection

Ewald Mayr, ÖVP: Climate change cannot be denied. Regardless of the cause, it will affect humanity, which has never been so large. Nevertheless, it does not help anyone to put climate protection above everything else for ideological reasons. Problems must be solved, not postponed.

Eva Brandner, SPÖ: As a mother of two children, climate protection is very important to me. In addition to careful use of resources, we also want to address the disadvantage of soil sealing. We need to move away from a throwaway society and towards more recycling.

Rudolf Eder, FPÖ: We need an energy and environmental policy that understands the situation. The energy transition requires time for research in order to find good solutions. There must be no threat to our economy and the prosperity of our citizens.

Doris Linzner, Green Party: Climate protection is the protection of our livelihood and encompasses many facets towards a new “good”. The contribution of individuals by switching to public transport or avoiding waste is important, but the CO2 emissions of the major players also need to be changed.

Topic: Migration

Ewald Mayr, ÖVP: We need migration into the world of work to secure our standards, and at the same time we need to prevent illegal migration into the social system. To say across the board that all foreigners are bad is the wrong approach.

Eva Brandner, SPÖ: This should be possible for people, whether asylum seekers or immigrants, who want to build an independent life in Austria and become a valuable part of our society. Abuse should have legal consequences.

Rudolf Eder, FPÖ: This uncontrolled immigration must end! That means consistent securing of our external borders and remigration, including the immediate deportation of criminals. Those who no longer need protection must return to their home country.

Doris Linzner, Green Party: Migration requires a solution based on solidarity at the European level. Better recognition of educational qualifications acquired abroad is just as important as the provision of integration opportunities to enable immigrants to participate in society.

Opinion on the labour market

Ewald Mayr, ÖVP: Work creates prosperity. The goal must be to integrate everyone into the work process according to their abilities. The more people work, the better the burden is distributed. Only what is earned can flow into the social system.

Eva Brandner, SPÖ: Unemployment can be combated by creating attractive jobs. Good childcare, affordable retraining and fair wages, coupled with reduced working hours when necessary, are sensible measures.

Rudolf Eder, FPÖ: Those who work full-time must be paid. Overtime must be tax-advantaged. This will motivate people to work more to build something up. The same applies to pensioners, where extra work is now “punished”.

Doris Linzner, Green Party: Politics must create the framework so that employees can work healthily in the future: adjust regular working hours, offer training measures and social security, use urgently needed innovations in technology and ecologization as an economic driver.

The goals on education

Ewald Mayr, ÖVP: Education must be more than just imparting knowledge. What is the point of algebra if you don’t understand the harm caused by bad food, what is important to us in this country, or how to manage your income? Education must also prepare you for life.

Eva Brandner, SPÖ: We should strive for an education without pressure for children, teachers and parents from the first day in an educational institution. We must say goodbye to the old, rigid system and focus more on the individual needs of the learners.

Rudolf Eder, FPÖ: When it comes to education, you have to differentiate: in our country, everything is still working, and fortunately my children are getting a good education. But you also have to do your part as parents. The real problem is in urban areas, where many different languages ​​come together and violence is often a daily occurrence.

Doris Linzner, Green Party: Investments in education are investments in our future. We need more personal attention, a common school up to 14 years old and thinking outside the box to provide better educational opportunities for all children, regardless of their social background.